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On Line Bibliography

Responsibles: A. Schmidt, I. Isebaert-Cauuet.
Carrying out: C. Macé et N. Castillo.
Implementation: B. Maroutaeff.

1. What can you find?

The bibliography contains:

- all references to books or articles entirely or partially devoted to Gregory Nazianzen, to the exclusion of dictionary entries (unless they have been written by members of the Centre for the Study of Gregory of Nazianzus) and of general books on patristics;

- all publications issued in the main international european languages: dutch, english, french, german, italian, spanish, as well as latin. References to publications in armenian, georgian, greek, and russian are also made, but given in an english translation.

Main sources for the retrospective bibliography:

- F. TRISOGLIO, San Gregorio de Nazianzo in un quaratennio di studi (1925-1965), = Rivista lasalliana, 40 (1973);

- F. TRISOGLIO, San Gregorio de Nazianzo 1966-1993, = Lustrum, 38 (1996);

- for the georgian publications: "Gregory of Nazianzus" team, under the direciton of H. Metreveli, Institute of Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi.

2. How to find a reference?

The database allows searches:

- by author's name (author's names are given in capital letters, without diacritics);

- by title (any word of the title);

- by work of Gregory Nazianzen concerned by the publication;

- by keywords (possibility of multiple search on two keywords).

The keyword's zone contains a closed list of keywords, and has to be filled in to allow search. It is also possible to search on "all" works and "all" keywords. A series of keywords has been assigned to each publication. The search can be limited by indicating whether only "articles" or "books" have to be looked through, or by giving a year of publication or the language of publication. The criteria are linked together by the boolean operators "and" and "or".

3. Results of the search

The result shows:

- a summary of the request;

- the number of answers found;

- the list of answers, sorted by author's name (first sorting) and by publication's year (second sorting).

The answers contain the author's name, followed by the first letter of the surname, the full title, and the indication of the pages, for each of Gregory's works. No other abbreviation occurs but "PG" for Patrologia Graeca (+ volume).

4. Updates

The bibliography is regularly and systematically updated, par the Centre for the Study of Gregory of Nazianzus.

Any information (bibliographical references, corrections, offprints) can be directed to: schmidt@ori.ucl.ac.be



page : UCL | Points de départ utiles. | Zeus | Pot-pourri | Nazianzos

Responsibles :
Andrea Schmidt <schmidt@ori.ucl.ac.be>
Isabelle Isebaert-Cauuet

Design informatique :
Boris Maroutaeff <maroutaeff@fltr.ucl.ac.be>