ERASME (1467-1536) Online Network English

EXERCISE: Find and correct the error

1. Since 1948 women acquired the right to vote and feminist movements have flourished all over the world.
2. The battle of sexes has been raging for years. Undoubtedly, a big progress has been achieved these last decades.
3. Poor white children and poor black children suffer equally. But the misery of poor black children is of a different order because they have to suffer also racial discrimination.
4. If I would have known about it, I wouldn’t have said a word!
5. Ever since the industrial revolution which have radically marked the transition from small family businesses with a low rate of production to a more and more intensive mode of production, our modern world has undergone a whole range of transformations.
6. Give it to me, it’s not your glass, it’s my!
7. Did feminists do more harm than good when they pointed out that women were subject to pressures? At work for example, many are harassed by their employers or got a job simply because they were beautiful and slim.
8. If you were asked to mention different kinds of drugs, you would normally answer : marijuana, cocaine, heroine and maybe the differents substances derived from them.
9. I am usually waking up at 8 and don’t have breakfast in the morning.
10. I had to go on walking. After a few minutes, we started off again and finally, with such a relief, we arrived at the camp where the others were waiting for us.

Phrase 1. ==>
Phrase 2. ==>
Phrase 3. ==>
Phrase 4. ==>
Phrase 5. ==>
Phrase 6. ==>
Phrase 7. ==>
Phrase 8. ==>
Phrase 9. ==>
Phrase 10. ==>

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Responsable académique : Sylviane Granger ; Fanny Meunier     Analyse : Jean Schumacher  
Réalisation informatique : Boris Maroutaeff
Dernière mise à jour : 04/12/2001