ERASME (1467-1536) Online Network English

EXERCISE: Explain the use of tenses?

1. Things seem to be working quite well for her, she’s got the Midas touch !
2. « You’d better come » he said, looking up at the cat high up in the tree.
3. Eventually he won his mother and she agreed to send him more money.
4. After the police had cracked the illegal weapons owners, peace was restored.
5. How can we win all the money if you don’t let us play again ?
6. This company has come new ideas to develop biodegradable plastic bags.
7. We can’t afford to carry our technological development in such an uncontrolled fashion.
8. I don’t want to interfere, but did you know she has been carrying her boss for years?
9. She signed the beauty contest, but she didn’t stand a chance.
10. The teacher always asks girls to wipe the board, never boys.

Phrase 1. ==>
Phrase 2. ==>
Phrase 3. ==>
Phrase 4. ==>
Phrase 5. ==>
Phrase 6. ==>
Phrase 7. ==>
Phrase 8. ==>
Phrase 9. ==>
Phrase 10. ==>

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Responsable académique : Sylviane Granger ; Fanny Meunier     Analyse : Jean Schumacher  
Réalisation informatique : Boris Maroutaeff
Dernière mise à jour : 03/12/2001