ERASME (1467-1536) Online Network English

EXERCISE: What is the word category?


We all [knew] Peter was guilty but, somehow, pretended [that] we [did] not know. He had [been] our friend for more than ten years and nobody felt like telling the truth. The [young] were too shy, and the old probably too [frightened]. [That] day had really been the worst of all, with policemen everywhere in the house, asking questions to [all] [those] present. Suddenly, he left in a hurry, driving the brand new car [that] he had just bought. We were never to see him again.

Two months later we read in the paper that Peter had been arrested and that the trial would take place in a month’s time.

1. knew ==>

2. that ==>

3. did ==>

4. been ==>

5. young ==>

6. frightened ==>

7. that ==>

8. all ==>

9. those ==>

10. that ==>

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Responsable académique : Sylviane Granger ; Fanny Meunier     Analyse : Jean Schumacher  
Réalisation informatique : Boris Maroutaeff
Dernière mise à jour : 03/12/2001