EXERCISE: Irregular verbs

1. When he [dye] his hair, his mother refused to speak to him for a week.

2. He [commit] himself to adopting several Pakistani children.

3. They have [develop] new ways of reducing waste.

4. They [build] a dam to prevent further flooding in the area.

5. Arms control specialists have [welcome] his pledge to reduce the number of warheads.

6. They [become] heroes although they had used violence to speak their minds.

7. Security forces [patrol] the streets, checking the curfew had [come] into effect.

8. They [push] the door open and discovered the extent of the damage.

9. Human rights advocates have [rally] to oppose Clinton’s new trade agreements with China.

10. He [deny] having lost the key to the new padlock again.

11. They [quarrel] and the sound of her angry voice [echo] in his mind for the rest of the night.

12. She [tear] her skirt while attempting to climb the fence.

13. Sheila had [go] out looking for her dog all night.

14. We all [gather] round to look at the spider.

15. He [slip] into the garden unnoticed.

16. As he [run] down the lane, he [lose] his precious map.

17. We never [seek] to do him any harm: it was an accident.

18. He [level] his gun right at the intruder.

19. She [comb] her long blond hair and [put] on a lilac dress and matching earrings.

20. Intruders [break] into his isolated farm and [make] off with the china and an old clock but they [leave] their fingerprints everywhere.

21. The 12 members of the jury all [agree] the defendant was not guilty.

22. He [buy] a shotgun but didn’t register it.

23. He [tie] a rope to his car and [tow] it away.

24. The company had [shrink] to half its size by the time the manager got new funding.

25. She [contend] that the report was deficient.

26. He was soon [compel] to take more money from his bank account.

27. He [delay] calling the doctor as he was short of money.

28. It [occur] to him that he would be [sue] as he had [shoot] the victim in cold blood.

29. This business has been [strike] three times by vandals, arsonists and burglars.

30. They [choose] the right people to quell the rebellion.

31. The city was [found] 200 years ago.

32. She [fall] off the swing and got concussion.

33. Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet should be [strip] of his immunity as a senator for life.

34. We [feel] he was a rather disruptive boy but that one should be able to curb his restlessness.

35. She will be [file] as a cybercriminal.

36. What she [mean] was that he had [cheat] on her for years and she couldn’t bear it any longer.

37. Who [teach] you how to sew so well ?

38. We [toy] with the idea of spending a few days on a Caribbean island but it turned out to be far too expensive.

39. He [prefer] to stay at home rather than go to another beauty contest with his wife.

40. When he [travel] to Saudi Arabia he [traffic] a lot of gemstones and spirits.

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Analyse : Jean Schumacher   Réalisation informatique : Boris Maroutaeff
Dernière mise à jour : 13/09/2001