EXERCISE: Miscellaneous tenses

1. Six employees of national airline Sabena [steal] perfume, watches and cigarettes while they [take] duty-free to and from planes at Brussels National airport.

2. A major project to renovate Brussel’s Stock Exchange [start] last week.

3. Several hundred seabirds contaminated by the oil slick [recover] in a sanctuary on Ostend beach and one day they'll fly away.

4. The government has been advised by a parliamentary commission to reopen its embassy in Iraq. Several EU countries [restore] diplomatic ties with the country.

5. Brussels [be] the victim of big projects and bad planning for almost a century.

6. A truck driver [bump] into the back of a Lada on the Antwerp Ring last Thursday. The truck driver [drive] for twenty hours when the crash [happen].

7. According to a recent Belgian Internet Mapping study, one million Belgians over the age of 15 [surf] the web regurlarly, and one in three [make] at least one web purchase.

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Analyse : Jean Schumacher   Réalisation informatique : Boris Maroutaeff
Dernière mise à jour : 13/09/2001