EXERCISE: Pronunciation and spelling

1. He couldn’t stay for dinner he had to catch a train to Paris.

2. He he doesn’t know when she’ll get back from France.

3. He said he didn’t want to live in the London .

4. We had to wait for over 45 before they let us speak to the manager.

5. My sister’s handwriting is so that my father sometimes uses a magnifying glass to decipher it!

6. Your flat’s compared to mine!

7. If only I could afford to buy new every month!

8. He’s crazy about English and French . You should see his collection of books!

9. Have you ever been to ?

10. I don’t have money to buy him a watch and a bottle of wine.

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Analyse : Jean Schumacher   Réalisation informatique : Boris Maroutaeff
Dernière mise à jour : 04/03/2002