EXERCISE: Personal and reflexive pronouns

Use the right personal (I, me, you, he, him, ...) or reflexive (myself, yourself) pronoun.

When the children come back from school, tea is waiting for . But before they can sit at the table, they have to wash .

-Hello, kids, how was your day?

-Awful, mum, Joanne says. The teacher told that my test went very badly.

-Really? And what about you, John?

-Not bad, not bad, but has been raining since I left, and my shoes and socks are wet.

-OK, put in the cellar and help to some tea and biscuits.

-Thanks mum, but I'm not hungry. I will only have tea.

The boy stands up. His mother observes . How tall he is, thinks. Much taller than . Then she asks the youngest son: What about you, Mike, did you enjoy at school?

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Analyse : Jean Schumacher   Réalisation informatique : Boris Maroutaeff
Dernière mise à jour : 11/02/2002