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Langue Grec
Auteur Dion Chrysostome
Références Sur la royauté (discours I) , 33
Sujet La preuve la plus évidente d' (être) un vrai roi
Descripteurs preuve; roi; véritable; louange; mourir; fausseté; coupable;
Extrait Grec
(33) ??a d? t? p???? ?fe?? e?p? t? fa?e??tat?? s?µe???, ??t?? ?st?? ? ???st?? 
 ßas??e??, ?? ?? ??a??? ??d?e? ??? a?s?????ta? ?pa?????te? ??te t?? pa???ta 
 ?????? ??te t?? ?ste???. ?a? µ??t?? ?a? a?t?? ?? t?? pa?? t?? ßa?a?s?? ?a? 
????a??? ??ap? ?pa????, ???? t?? pa?? t?? ??e?????? ?a? ?e??a???, ??? ??? 
????? ??? ?e?saµ?????.
Traduction française
(33) But I will pass over most of the details and give the clearest mark of a true king : 
he is one whom all good men can praise without compunction not only during his 
life but even afterwards. And yet, even so, he does not himself covet the praise of the 
vulgar and the loungers about the market-place, but only that of the free-born and 
noble, men who would prefer to die rather than be guilty of falsehood.

Trad. anglaise : J.W. COHOON - H. Lamar CROSBY, Dio Chrysostom.  
Vol. I. London, Heinemann, 1932
Date : 14-11-2007

UCL | FLTR | Itinera Electronica | Bibliotheca Classica Selecta (BCS) |
Analyse, design et réalisation informatiques : B. Maroutaeff - J. Schumacher

Dernière mise à jour : 17/02/2002