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Langue Grec
Auteur Dion Chrysostome
Références Sur l'esclavage et la liberté (discours XIV), par. 13-14
Sujet Discussion : Quel homme est libre et quel homme est esclave ?
Descripteurs homme; libre; esclave; lois;
Extrait Grec
(14,13) ‘???? µ?? ??? ???? s???aß??ta ??? ?p?f??as?a? ?? ?t? µ??
??est?? ? ß???eta? p??tte??, ??e??e??? ?st??, ?t? d? µ? ??est?,
d?????’. ?? d? ?p? t?? p?e??t?? ??d? t?? ?aµ???t?? ??d? t??
st?ate??µ???? ??d? t?? µa??a???t?? ???µµata ? ???a???e?? ?
pa?a?e?? ? ????? t??? t????? ??e?? a?t?? ?? ??? ??est? t??t???
p??tte?? ?? a?t?? ??????s??, ???´ ?? ? te ??ße???t?? ?a? ?at??? 
?a? d?d?s?a??? p??st?tte?. ?? t????? ??d? t??? ?????? ??est??
? ??????s? p??e??, ???´ ??? t?? pa?? t??? ??µ??? t??? ?e?µ?????
p??tt?, ??µ??seta?. 
(14,14) ?????? ?sa µ? ?pe???ta? ?p? t?? ??µ??
µ?d? p??st?ta?ta?, ? pe?? t??t?? ???? a?t?? t?? ????s?a? t??
p??tte?? ?? ß???eta? ? µ? ??e??e???, ? d? t???a?t??? ?d??at??
d?????. ?? d?; ??e? s?? ??e??a?, ?sa µ? ?pe???ta? µ?? ?p? t??
??µ?? ?????f??, a?s??? d? ????? d??e? t??? ?????p??? ?a? ?t?pa? 
???? d? ???? te???e?? ? p????ß?s?e?? ? ???a ?µ??a p??tte??;
?? µ? ??a fa??? ?? ??d? t? t??a?ta ??e??a? t??? ??e???????.
?a? ??? pe?? t??t?? ?p??e?ta? ??µ?a t? µ?se?s?a? ? d?s?e?a??es?a? 
?p? t?? ?????p??.  
Traduction française
13 — But surely we may put the matter briefly and declare that whoever has the 
power to do whatever he wishes is free, and that whoever has not that power is a 
(Dion)  No, you cannot say this in the case of those on board ship nor of the sick 
either, nor of those serving in the field, nor of those learning to read and write or to 
play the harp or to wrestle or to acquire any other art; for these have not the right to 
follow their own preferences, but must act as the captain, physician, or teacher, as the 
case may be, instructs. If that is so, then men in general are not allowed to do what 
they wish, but if they violate the established laws, they will be punished. 
14 — Then I say that the man who has the power to act or not, just as he pleases, in 
regard to those matters which are not forbidden by the laws or enjoined by them, is 
free, and that the man who on the contrary lacks that power is a slave. 
(Dion)  Well then, do you think that it is permitted to you to do all things, which, 
while they are not expressly forbidden by the laws, yet are regarded as base and 
unseemly by mankind? I mean, for example, collecting taxes, or keeping a brothel, or 
doing other such things. 
— O no, indeed. I should say that it is not permissible for the free to do such things 
either. And (p135) indeed for these acts the penalty fixed is to be hated or 
abominated by men.

Trad. anglaise : J.W. COHOON - H. Lamar CROSBY, Dio Chrysostom.  
Vol. II. London, Heinemann, 1939
Date : 04-12-2008

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