EXERCISE: Irregular and regular verbs

Infinitive Simple past P Participle Traduction
to arise arisen s'élever
to bend bent courber
to bid bid faire une offre
bound bound attacher, lier
to bite bitten mordre
to bleed bled saigner
bred bred engendrer
to burst burst éclater, exploser
to cling clung se cramponner
crept crept ramper
to deal dealt partager
to fling flung jeter, lancer
to forbid forbad(e) défendre
forsook forsaken abandonner, quitter
to grind ground moudre
to grow grew grandir, cultiver
laid laid déposer
to lend lent prêter
to lie lay être couché
to mean meant signifier
sent sent envoyer
to saw sawn scier
to seek sought rechercher
sewed sewn coudre
to shake shaken secouer
to shave shaven raser
to shine shone briller
shrank shrunk rétrécir
to slide slid glisser
sowed sown semer
to stick stuck coller
to swear swore jurer
swept swept balayer
to tear torn déchirer
wept wept pleurer
to wind wound enrouler
withheld withheld retenir
to wring wrung tordre
lost lost perdre
to throw thrown jeter

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Analyse : Jean Schumacher   Réalisation informatique : Boris Maroutaeff
Dernière mise à jour : 13/09/2001