EXERCISE: Active or passive

1. The Year 1999 [be] a very bad year for Mother Earth. About 70,000 deaths [cause] by more than 700 natural disasters. A scientific research group which [gather] data for many years [claim] that 1999 was one of the warmest years of the century.

2. When temperatures [analyse], you can see that they [rise] during the twentieth century. This global warming will probably [increase] the number of disasters.

3. Speaking of Bush and Mac Cain, a reporter said that neither of them should [define] as an agent of intolerance. However, he [say]: Mac Cain [try] to play a dangerous card, and he will [not invest] if he goes on.

4. Bradley, the democratic democratic presidential contender, [crush] in the primaries, after he [confront] with a very difficult question during the TV debate. He [now consider] Super Tuesday as his last trump.

5. Last week, Al Gore [ask] about rising inflation, as a consequence of rising oil prices. He [answer] that secret diplomacy [need] to find a solution.

6. Up to now, the senator [lose] three races to his opponent. Appeals [now make] to the public not to support him anymore. He [lose] all his hopes if the people stopped supporting him.

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Analyse : Jean Schumacher   Réalisation informatique : Boris Maroutaeff
Dernière mise à jour : 12/09/2001