EXERCISE: Active or passive

1. The twins were flown to London for a major heart operation.

2. A quality education must be combined with a wide range of extra-curricular activities including travelling abroad.

3. The committee will be summoned to give a quick answer.

4. Forgiveness is needed to maintain a lasting relationship.

5. He had seemed very annoyed when he was asked to pay the bill.

6. As soon as we had landed , I felt like meeting new people and speaking a new language.

7. He asked his wife to call him up as soon as she had arrived in Toronto.

8. No one could explain how she had died so quickly after her admission to hospital.

9. He has been travelling a lot over the last few years.

10. The journalist’s phone has obviously been bugged as he holds pro-democracy views.

11. A laptop was taken from a member of the intelligence staff but fortunately all the information was coded.

12. We have not been introduced , I think. James Gardner.

13. We are definitely concerned about the potential loss of still more nurses from our hospital due to new budget strictures.

14. We are being swamped with calls from mobile phones whenever there’s an accident, the policeman said.

15. From now on, private investigators will be dealing with corporate fraud in an attempt to eradicate this modern-day scourge.

16. As potential investors have been frightened off , we need to find new funding now.

17. He was jailed for pushing his friend off a bridge in Newbury.

18. We would be cut off from the centre if we did not have appropriate public transportation.

19. We hope we will be able to rebuild our lives again after this tragic event which was really devastating .

20. The most important sport event of the weekend will be boat races at Oxford.

21. A new showroom has opened right in the centre of Brussels, near Bd. Anspach.

22. Any insinuation that the boss has quit is simply wrong, she contended.

23. A GPS tracking system allows them to locate every taxi driving in Brussels and the suburbs.

24. They weren’t allowed to sing in the pub as it inconvenienced the neighbours.

25. This type of igloo that withstand wind and will not topple is ideally suited to the arctic environment.

26. This project was originally meant to help first year students to adjust to new academic requirements.

27. DNA tests might be used on a regular basis to track down paedophiles.

28. Two escalators had been closed because of maintenance problems.

29. MSF has been voicing concerns that Europe is tempted by protecting its trading interests first.

30. Jörg Haider’s xenophobic party is called The Austrian Freedom party.... words don’t always mean what they say !

31. The most interesting works on the colonial era have been written by foreigners who aren’t specialists in the field.

32. When her husband was made a baron, she divorced him on the spot.

33. We will never know what would have happened in the Congo if Belgian rule had been maintained .

34. Why is this café called « A La Mort Subite » ? It comes from a dice game its customers used to like playing, where the game ended in « sudden death » if one of the players had to leave in a hurry.

35. It needs to be said that the roots of Flemish Expressionism are linked to experiences from the war years and is often gruesome and unsettling, yet very gripping.

36. Most actors are people you have never heard of, but they all contribute to giving the film a very realistic atmosphere.

37. When the door opened , they couldn’t believe their eyes, the room resembled a suite at the Ritz.

38. When the loan was granted , he was relieved to know he could launch his new business without too many risks.

39. This new car drives like a dream.

40. The discussions about breastfeeding for expectant mothers will be held on April 6th at 10.00 at our community centre.

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Analyse : Jean Schumacher   Réalisation informatique : Boris Maroutaeff
Dernière mise à jour : 13/09/2001