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Langue Grec
Auteur Dion Chrysostome
Références Charidème (discours 30), 28
Sujet L'Univers est une maison belle et divine
Descripteurs Univers; divin; beau; paysan; soleil; étoiles; mer; lune; plantes; mer; terre; dieux; hommes; portails; murs; or; colonnes;
Extrait Grec
(28) ?de d? ?a? ?t??a? ?d??, ?? ? µ?? ??sµ?? ????? ?st? p??? ?a??? te ?a? 
 ?e??? ?p? ?e?? {te} ?ates?e?asµ?????  ?spe? ?p? t?? e?da?µ???? te ?a? 
p???s??? ?a???µ????  ??d??? ??st??a? ???µe? ?ates?e?asµ????? sta?µ??? 
?a? ???s?, ?a? ???s? ?a? ??afa?? t?? te ???f?? ?a? t?????? ?a? ???a? 
 e???asµ?????? ?µ???? ?e?????a? t?? ??sµ?? e?? ?p?d???? te ?a?
 e?f??s???? ?????p??, e?e?d? ?a? p??????? ?st???? te ?a? ???? ?a? se???? ?a? 
?? ?a? ?a??tt? ?a? f?t???, ? d? t?? ?e?? p???t?? ?a? t????? t?? ??e???? ?st??.
Traduction française
(28) "The peasant also chanted a second monody, telling how the universe is a house 
very beautiful and divine, constructed by the gods ; that just as we see houses built 
by men who are called prosperous and wealthy, with portals and columns, and 
the roof, walls, and doors adorned with gold and with paintings, in the same way the 
universe has been made to give entertainment and good cheer to mankind, 
beauteous and bespangled with stars, sun, moon, land, sea, and plants, all these 
being, indeed, portions of the wealth of the gods and specimens of their handiwork.

Trad. anglaise : J.W. COHOON - H. Lamar CROSBY, Dio Chrysostom.  
Vol. II. London, Heinemann, 1939
Date : 05-12-2007

UCL | FLTR | Itinera Electronica | Bibliotheca Classica Selecta (BCS) |
Analyse, design et réalisation informatiques : B. Maroutaeff - J. Schumacher

Dernière mise à jour : 17/02/2002