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Langue Grec
Auteur Dion Chrysostome
Références Discours aux Alexandrins, XXXII, 76
Sujet Olympie, les courses hippiques et le fantôme Taraxippos
Descripteurs Olympie; chevaux; courses hippiques; Taraxippos;
Extrait Grec
?st?? ???µp?as? ?at? µ?s?? t?? ?pp?d??µ?? ?a?a??pp?? ??se?d???? ß?µ??, 
???a µ???sta s???ßa??e t??? ?pp??? pt?e?s?a? ?a? p?e?sta d?af?e??es?a? t?? 
??µ?t??. ?d??e? ??? t??? ??e???? ?? da?µ????? t???? ??t?? ?d??sas?a? ß?µ??. 
?a? t? ???p?? fas?? ?p´ ??e???? ?e?????a? t?? t?p?? ?sfa??.
Traduction française
There is at Olympia, at the centre of the race-course, an altar to Poseidon 
Taraxippos, or Terror of Horses, on the spot where it happened that the horses most 
frequently became frightened and where many chariots were smashed. So the Eleans 
decided to erect an altar on the spot, believing that some deity was there. And from 
that time forward, they say, the place has been safe.

Trad. anglaise : J.W. COHOON - H. Lamar CROSBY, Dio Chrysostom. 
Vol. III. London, Heinemann, 1940
Date : 24-10-2007

UCL | FLTR | Itinera Electronica | Bibliotheca Classica Selecta (BCS) |
Analyse, design et réalisation informatiques : B. Maroutaeff - J. Schumacher

Dernière mise à jour : 17/02/2002