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It was a
crowd at a recent dinner party in the Fifth Avenue apartment of Tracey Jackson, a screen-writer, and Glenn Horowitz, a rare-book dealer.
The hosts had
their guests with the prospect of meeting India's hottest new import.
Although he has
the United States several times ...
But Khan's status as guest of honor among the urbane crowd was an indication
that the
style and excesses of Bombay's film industry are making inroads
into non-Indian in America.
Style-struck New Yorkers are embracing Bollywood style, which they once
might have
as kitsch.
"When you're living in a society that is always pushing towards homogeneity,
flamboyance has an
allure," said Gita Mehta, ...
The riches trickling from India include ... T-shirts.irreverently
with Hindu deities; and a mahasanis ransom of gold bangles, eardrops and ckokers.
On the
of the movies come the goods. Quick to capitalize on the movie's success, ...
Vikram Nair, Mira Nair's brother, an Indian garment manufacturer, has introduced a collection of
and accessories.
"Indian culture has long been the
in the other half of the world," Mira Nair said. "Finally it is coming our way, too."